Ha just came home from the gym and figured I should blog about my Christmas trip to Cameron Highlands before it’s CNY.
As I have mentioned (in this post) we decided to spend our Christmas in Cameron Highlands with Jo’s friends.
We called it the couples trip…
Traveling with couples is quite fun because no one will ever felt left out!
We started our journey quite early, at around 8 am because my lovely readers warned me that it would be super jammed on the way to Cameron.
The jam in Cameron was crazy!!! The worst part was that there was only one way for each direction so…
The first thing we did when we reached our rented house was to put all our presents on the table.
Michelle was so well prepared, she even printed out our names to be tagged on our presents!
It was ‘secret santa’ so we had to stick the names on the presents that we bought one by one in a closed room.
I cant believe that she actually printed our names in 4 sets each!!!
While we were stuck in the jam, RJ jumped down from the car and bought corns for us!
We brought our own Mahjong sets to Cameron. I was making fun of us saying that we came all the way from KL to play Mahjong instead hahhaha.
Michelle was the MAMA in our trip because she brought board games, printed name tags, a nail clipper and the super duper sweet mandarin oranges!!!

I didnt expect that the weather in Cameron to be so chilly. I’ve been to Genting and the weather was “mehhhh” not cold la. Cameron was like spring in the States. Thank god that I decided to bring along a blazer if not I would have had to wear my PJs edi.
Everyone besides Gary cox he was the photographer.
Had to take turns to take pictures because the waiters were so bad at taking pictures for us!
After dinner, we headed home straight to unwrap all the presents!!!! I was the most excited one because I love looking at people opening their presents!
The started with the youngest, Seow Hui, so she got to open hers while everyone stood aside, saying, “WAW, WAW!!”
Jo’s…… gosh, I was losing my patience edi hahhahaa
Michelle!!! She insisted that everyone had to wear the Santa hat when opening their presents.
I’ve never seen any other couple putting so much effort into each other’s presents before. Gary and Michelle are the only couple that l hand made gifts for each other! When I saw the book that Michelle made for Gary, I had tears in my eyes, like literally.
It was finally my turn to open all my presents. PHEWWWWWW after 2000 years hahaha. I just tweeted that Michelle got me this super useful present. She got me a bag hanger.
If you have no idea whats a bag hanger, this is how it looks like hehehe
Another gift from Siew Hui! Super sweet of her, she got me a Hello Kitty mug that I’ve always wanted!!
After the super emotional incident (Jo proposed hehe) we started our first board game of the night- PICTIONARY!!
I WON!!!! Jo asked me to show him my winning pose so I posed like a turtle! Sorry a, I was a bit tipsy edi…
Last game of the night, Charades!!! (MY FAVORITE) The boys gave us the easiest words but we gave them the hardest like, “The End Of The World”. AHA!
Group picture!! It was a very fun night! Everyone had fun and laughed like we got hit by laughing gas haha
The next morning, we went to have lunch at this chinese restaurant beside Starbucks.

After lunch, we decided to head to the tea plantation. On the way there, we stopped by to buy corns!
Mandarin oranges. Everything looks so fresh there!
Quite amazed by how they grow the plants.
The lovely and super creative couple!
Michelle and I. Siew Hui was too sleepy, she fell asleep in the car ==”
Anyway, we went home after stopping by at the tea plantation for about 20 mins because we went to the WRONG one. Hahahahaha I dont know how did tat happen but watever.
It was a super fun and crazy trip!! I loved the company, the weather, the proposal, the games, and everything!
Michelle was asking the others why we all stopped going to Zouk edi, and I joked because we prefer Mahjong and staying in. Too old to go to those crowded and noisy places.
We shall plan for another trip soon!!! This time we shall go to the BEACH!
hey bobo, i love ur pics! can i noe wat camera are u using? semi-pro or pro? awesome bpics and congratz btw!
January 14, 2012 at 1:34 pmhaha, i got the same bag hanger too last year, in heart shape!!!!
January 14, 2012 at 11:42 pmmichelle is sweet as always, my sister said she’s always like a big sister. haha
January 15, 2012 at 3:00 pmHey Syndy, all the pictures in this post are taken by Nikon D300 =) Thank u babe <3
Karen- Hehehe it's super useful right hehe! Doo u still using it?
Povy, It was greet to meet u the other day hehehe! I love ur house (cox I won tat night ==) Yes! She is the sweetest, love to hang out with Michelle and ur sis =)
January 15, 2012 at 8:23 pmPovy and Bobo: AWWWW thank you *tears
January 15, 2012 at 10:30 pmSister is here!!! Wave to Bobo, Michelle and Povy! lol
January 16, 2012 at 5:35 pmWave to Joanne!!! Hahaha
January 23, 2012 at 1:00 pmHello Bobo! 🙂
Michelle told me I could comment. I’m Michelle’s youngest sister from Manchester <3 Anyway I want to congratulate you on the proposal! 🙂 Er jie told me about the proposal before and me and dajie were anxiously waiting to hear about it in London! hahaha super pat gua. 😀 Hope to see you during summer!
and your secret santa thing looks so nice! Erjie told me about it whee 😀
January 19, 2012 at 1:50 amHalo, hehe u guys are so cute!!!! Thanks babe!! When r u coming back? I want to meet u too! =)
January 25, 2012 at 1:33 amseems like u had a great time 🙂
January 19, 2012 at 1:31 pmbag hanger! that’s such a smart invention! I just knew about it recently because one of my friend uses it when we were in the bar where there was no place to put bags 😀
Yea! Super smart invention and super useful! =)
January 25, 2012 at 1:30 am